Mr. Bonner's book does not have the tone of objective journalism.
"Travel guidebooks are nonadvertising-supported, and they are where you find the most objective journalism," he said.
It plays well back home ,I'm sure, but it does not pass for objective journalism.
Let's have some objective journalism, rather than gcse politics.
But this same insider has doubts about Amanpour's commitment to objective journalism.
It is important for everyone who viewed last night's program to remember that this was not fair and objective journalism," he said.
He said he did not believe that traditional objective journalism brought people closer to the truth.
This is objective journalism as this administration likes it, all right - news you can't use.
Its main goal is "the establishment of an open civil society in Kazakhstan and free, objective and progressive journalism."
And surely that's the point of objective journalism, to just report the facts?