Other objections include concern about creating a culture in which humans are no longer seen as human, but rather as material assets.
Less common objections to Thomson's argument (and the pro-choice responses) include:
These objections include the need to start where people are and relate to the pressures placed on them.
The objections to the scheme included land issues, the disruption during construction, and concerns about the sustainability of the river.
Concerns and objections include the possibility that food irradiation might do any of the following:
The objections most frequently raised against the treaty include:
The objections include restraints that Congress would place on some of the Administration's trade policy decisions.
Other objections to pragmatism include how we define what it means to say a belief "works", or that it is "useful to believe".
Other objections to implanting chips include the safety of procedures done in nonmedical settings.
Other objections include questions of statewide impact about New York's proposal to win the collider.