Today in a Newark courtroom, obscure medieval hagiography and the modern market in stolen religious objects came together as a Pennsylvania man pled guilty to smuggling the three objects, valued at $130,000, into the United States.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is required to list in its annual report the total cash proceeds from art sales each year and to itemize any deaccessioned objects valued at more than $50,000 each.
The result in the neurotic may be a dominance of parental demand, and of the social objects valued by such demands - jobs, degrees, marriage, success, money and the like.
So far, 11 of 221 objects, valued at about $5 million, that were stolen from the museum have been returned, most of them by antiques dealers.
In practice, the terms "good" and "bad" apply to finite sets of properties, since this is the only case where there is a ratio between the total number of desired properties and the number of such properties possessed by some object being valued.
Yet at least some of them show clear signs of having been repaired, implying that they were objects valued by the deceased during life and were not made specifically for burial.
"So it would seem-although any object valued at this figure must be inherently desirable," said Gersen.