Their faces were concealed within objects intended for a different purpose.
It was a reminder that in the the 1950's modern designers were eagerly applying their talents to objects intended for the kitchen and for everyday use.
A building is a constructed object intended for occupancy by humans or animals.
Street obstacles are objects intended for uses other than skateboarding - like benches, steps and handrails - or their facsimiles in skate parks.
An Amulet is an object intended to bring good luck.
In medieval France the word nef was applied to various types of boat-shaped containers, including the most magnificent objects intended for the dining tables and buffets of the rich.
While many Utah folk artists produce objects intended for use, still others handcraft decorative pieces, often miniature objects or scenes, that memorialize activities from their occupational past.
Eiseman correctly pointed out that Balinese art is actually carved, painted, woven, and prepared into objects intended for everyday use rather than as object d 'art.
This object, possibly intended as a canopy for a chair, has been in storage for more than 80 years, perhaps accounting for the freshness of its colors: pomegranate red, sapphire blue, undimmed gold.
The family of refrigerators "Wizard" was a real small revolution in the so-called white appliances, the refrigerator was the revival of the object intended as the main character with its own form and color.