Two days ago, at evening, an object which could have been a vessel crossed the sky close to Instone.
He and I also saw a huge object cross the sky one summer night, an event that I have always remembered as particularly strange.
Collision detection is used to solve the problem of determining when any two or more physical objects in the environment cross each other's path.
No object or person could cross a window space without activating the electronic scanner.
The parallactic angle is zero when the object crosses the meridian.
It could serve to open a gateway of sorts, that would allow objects to cross the dimensions.
Hour angle may be considered a means of measuring the time since an object crossed the meridian.
In this method, the observer records the time at which the object crosses the observer's meridian.
Microlensing occurs when a massive object crosses the line of sight between a telescope on Earth and a star in a distant galaxy.
Many objects in space cross the Earth's orbit from time to time, such as comets and rocks.