"But the warder would immediately comply, such was their tendency to obey authority," he said.
When people said, Don't do just what you like, they didn't just mean, Obey authority.
Outsiders tend to assume its citizens are cowed into obeying authority.
However, this coup d'état failed because the King called for the military powers to obey legal civilian authority.
I think they're genetically engineered to obey authority.
It is basic that a civilized being, whatever his rank, obeys legitimate authority.
Following the Utrecht studies, another study used the stress remarks method to see how long participants would obey authority.
In addition to personality factors, participants who are resistant to obeying authority had high levels of social intelligence.
This finding implies that even outside of experimental settings, people will forgo potential financial gain to obey authority.
She had been raised to obey authority, not defy it.