The most commonly reported side effects in the obese population were dry mouth, headache, nausea, insomnia, diarrhoea and constipation.
The overall withdrawal rate due to adverse events in clinical trials in the obese population was 13% with tesofensine and 6% with placebo.
We can only get a handle on this if we have a well-characterized obese population and we fairly carefully assess their food intake.
Despite being a highly obese population, there is little stigma attached to being overweight as one might find in many Western civilizations.
With 33.8% of the population obese, of all the countries of the developed world, the United States has the highest rate of obesity.
The incidence of type 2 diabetes in an obese population over four years is decreased with orlistat (6.2%) compared to placebo (9.0%).
The gender specificity of emotional, situational, and behavioral indicators of binge eating in a diet-seeking obese population.
The comorbidity of depression and eating disregulation processes in a diet-seeking obese population: A matter of gender specificity.
Tonga and nearby Nauru have the world's highest overweight and obese populations.
A sick society where we have the second most obese population in the world, second only to fat Americans.