Finally, current work focusing on ants' role in nutrient supplementation for plants has shown that in many ant-plant relationships nutrient flow is bidirectional.
She adjusted her nutrient flow to account for the recent stress.
A solution to this problem is to add rapidly degraded photosystem genes to the virus, such that the nutrient flow is uninhibited and more viruses are produced.
Traditionally an agroecosystem, particularly one managed intensively, is characterized as having a simpler species composition and simpler energy and nutrient flows than "natural" ecosystem.
The information has proved useful in numerous ways, experts said, including helping scientists track the weather and lending insight into nutrient flows and the fish movements that correspond to them.
Increase your nutrient flow.
Furthermore, management strategies are being employed to prevent eutrophication-related coccolithophore blooms, as these blooms lead to a decrease in nutrient flow to lower levels of the ocean.
But even if the rules are workable, he said, few farmers think they are necessary, because they doubt their operations are responsible for the increased nutrient flow into the reservoirs.
Repair: To repair damage to the trunk of a tree that would prohibit nutrient flow, such as stripping of the bark by rodents that completely girdles the trunk.
The normal froth-pattern was abnormally irregular and discolored, and much of the mass had suffered where the nutrient flow had been too long interrupted.