Sporulation is thought to be induced by nutrient deprivation, leading to contraction at the septa, cytokinesis and subsequent abscission of sporangia which contain up to eight haploid spores.
Mutation under nutrient deprivation has been of interest from the dawn of bacterial genetics.
Stress stimuli such as radiation, nutrient deprivation or oxygen deprivation which causes apoptosis will lead to fragmentation of chromatin and cause most cells to apoptose.
We hypothesized that fetal oogonia distressed as a result of nutrient deprivation express the tumor suppressor protein p53.
This signal transduction mechanism is switched on when the cell is under stress, such as nutrient deprivation.
It plays a key role in modulating amino acid metabolism as a response to nutrient deprivation.
Compensatory growth may also refer to the accelerated growth following a period of slowed growth, particularly as a result of nutrient deprivation.
This may provide an advantage under conditions of nutrient deprivation.
These metabolic stresses include hypoxia, nutrient deprivation, and an increase in proliferation.
These processes occur in response to stresses such as near-UV radiation, acid, temperature or osmotic shock, oxidative stress, and nutrient deprivation.