If the pH is not corrected, various problems may occur, including but not limited to poor nutrient absorption and leaf cannibalization.
They provide the stomach with increased surface area for nutrient absorption.
Microvilli function as the primary surface of nutrient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
By keeping digestible material in the ileum for an extended period maximum nutrient absorption is ensured.
These conditions can include infection (such as from parasites, viruses, or bacteria), poor nutrient absorption, or cancer.
After the large substances are broken down into smaller ones, digestion and consequent nutrient absorption takes place at the surface the epithelium.
Sometimes poor nutrient absorption causes fatigue and weakness.
Growth hormone, glutamine, and a modified diet enhance nutrient absorption in patients with severe short bowel syndrome.
Alcohol interferes with acid secretion, stomach muscles, and nutrient absorption.
A key reason for this disparity is that infectious disease often results in poor food intake and nutrient absorption.