Many trees were huge, which allowed for large nut crops each autumn.
When the nut crop is poor, the bears search out alternative sources to tide them through the winter's sleep.
The orange fungus, which girdles the tree and kills branches, could virtually wipe out the nut crop.
Also nut crops from oak, hickory, beech, walnut, chestnut, failed at times making the supply of food scarce.
Besides these nut crops, the most important crop in the vellamunda is Banana & Ginger.
If their local pine nut crop failed, the next year they might be thrown into association with still other people for such hunts.
If the pine nut crop failed, the Goshutes would be forced to raid the stations for needed supplies or starve.
The species is currently under investigation as a potential nut crop in Western Australia.
The nut crop was also very heavy, and the wild plums were larger and sweeter than usual.
However, heavy nut crops are borne only every few years.