He immigrated to Los Angeles in 1893 and a decade later set up a nursery specializing in selling native wildflower seeds to the public.
He visited small nurseries specializing in unusual plants, selecting ones that appealed to him aesthetically - azaleas and heather among them - even when not indigenous to Los Angeles.
Together in 1997, Matson and Mowder founded Plantstogo.Com, an online nursery specializing in plants for hot climates.
Those trees planted in orchards for their fruit value are the commercial varieties and usually sold by nurseries specializing in fruit trees.
The property was utilized as a nursery specializing in ornamental trees.
The plants are available at nurseries specializing in water gardens and by mail order for $10 to $20.
Dr. Dale said nurseries specializing in commercial quantities of native species are becoming more common and "should be considered in revegetation planning."
Celia Grant holds a degree from a horticultural college and owns a nursery specializing in rare plants.
From a mail-order nursery specializing in herbs, I ordered five kinds.
Meanwhile, new nurseries specializing in unusual perennials seem to be popping up all over the country.