Some countries and states have passed legislation regarding acceptable nurse-to-patient ratios.
But the union's biggest complaint is the hospital's refusal to address staffing levels and to guarantee minimum nurse-to-patient ratios under a new contract.
The quality of that care can be determined through indicators like in-hospital infections, patient falls, medication errors and nurse-to-patient ratios.
The state has no required nurse-to-patient ratio but grades staffing in terms of service.
On Jan. 1, California became the first state to mandate specific nurse-to-patient ratios.
But their strongest objection is to the hospital's refusal to guarantee nurse-to-patient ratios.
The professionals also say it depends on the nature of the illness, the hospital and its nurse-to-patient ratio.
Most hospitals have Web sites; sometimes they list nurse-to-patient ratios and other information.
She also told me that the nurse-to-patient ratio on her floor was one nurse to about every five patients.
There is a clear connection between patient mortality and registered nurse-to-patient ratios.