At the Chota health clinic near Beira, a single nurse, Anna Manocua, struggles vainly to track infected mothers while caring for an average of 60 patients a day.
Doctors and nurses struggled against all odds to treat the patients in their care Schools were dilapidated, rain pouring in through leaking roofs, plaster falling off inside walls.
Doctors and nurses from a handful of agencies are struggling in makeshift hospitals to treat the daily surge of badly wounded patients, the workers said.
From the next tent she could hear Titus squealing with laughter as his nurse struggled to feed him his morning meal.
The nurses in Montefiore's pediatric division have struggled with downsizing and staff reductions.
Outside intensive care, doctors and nurses are struggling to provide very basic care: people are sick, people are hurt, people are scared, and they need care.
The nurses on duty, a Tralthan, a Nidian and four Earth-humans, were struggling into their suits.
When vomiting and diarrhea foul the air with terrible odors, nurses struggle not to avert their heads from men and women who often see slights even when none are intended.
The doctors stabilize the patient, who is naked except for six rings that nurses are struggling to remove from her bloodied hands.
The two EMTs and a nurse struggled to control her.