That is some satire, keen and critical, Not sorting with a nuptial ceremony.
It is a group performance, staged as a social event during festivals and nuptial ceremonies.
The Reverend Doctor had sternjy announced that he would not, could not, conduct the nuptial ceremony unless and until the bridal couple had been "counseled."
He had attended Cheiron's nuptial ceremony, bringing Prince Dolph, who had assumed the form of a dragonfly for the occasion.
Parties culminate with this dance and it is a nuptial ceremony.
In Israel the nuptial ceremony was distinguished by the sanctification of the ring given by the groom to the bride.
He's hoping to have mistletoe by Christmas, and if the spring orchids don't fizzle, Sandra can use them in her nuptial ceremony.
Then why didn't God make man impotent prior to the nuptial ceremony, or responsive only to some other key stimulus, like smell?
Through the three days following, the nuptial ceremonies, arranged by the Suzaku and Rokujo households, were of very great dignity and elegance.
Yet among his near relatives there was no one whom he thought it so necessary to have at these last nuptial ceremonies.