We had just dislodged an enemy numerically stronger than we-as was always the case in Russia-and we felt as if we'd been given wings.
The opposing Mexican forces, led by General Santa Anna, are numerically stronger and also better armed and trained.
The easy victory of the Māori over the numerically stronger British-led force gave a powerful impetus to the Hauhau movement.
The advantage lay with the numerically stronger KANU.
Schlieffen's great gamble would, ironically, result in the one outcome he had feared: A long, drawn-out war of attrition against a numerically stronger enemy.
Nevertheless, strategically the Duke had been able to place his numerically stronger forces between the Franco-Bavarian army and Vienna.
The character grows numerically stronger by gaining levels, as preset amounts of experience points are reached.
In fifteen days Massena had defeated three separate armies, each numerically stronger than his own.
Their resources are greater, as we all know, their navy is numerically stronger; their manpower is virtually inexhaustible.
It is hoped that since the breed is becoming numerically stronger, it will be the next step taken.