This numerical symbol can be seen tattooed on members of various racist organizations affiliated with the KKK.
The numbers "378" is the numerical symbol, which correspond to the letters FSU on the telephone keypad.
Definition from the copyright law, 17 U.S.C. 101: Literary works are works, other than audiovisual works, expressed in words, numbers, or other verbal or numerical symbols or indicia.
Quantitative reasoning (Gq) is the ability to comprehend quantitative concepts and relationships and to manipulate numerical symbols.
As Mr. Dehaene observed, the area of the human brain that transforms numerical symbols into quantities also processes information about color and location.
All that is necessary is to break "the habit of depending on patterns" and to force the student "to remain continuously conscious of what the numerical symbols represent."
The string data can include numbers and other numerical symbols but will be treated as text.
Numerals may be written out as words (1 vs. one), but numerical symbols are more common.
Arithmeticians fail to see that the function of numerical symbols and signs is to enable us to deal in general ways with groups of particular sensible things.
But he'd probably misunderstand a lot, saying something like "The female scratches numerical symbols onto a thin white sheet of tree bark, hoping the design will please the male" when the woman gives the man her telephone number.