He counted nine - as many as a numeric pad, and was sorely tempted, but decided against any whimsical experimentation.
At first sight this looked really nice, a decent set of keys, properly laid out with a numeric pad set to the right.
Jason's index finger pecked four times at the adjacent numeric pad.
"A few months ago he ordered a digital numeric pad and smart card entry system wired to an alarm for his office door."
Keeps sensitive documents secure with enhanced security features, including a 10-key numeric pad for P..
The full keyboard with numeric pad remained available as a built-to-order option for no extra charge, as well as a separate purchase.
Most styles of keyboards have three LEDs indicating which locks are enabled, in the upper right corner above the numeric pad.
It is a successor to T9, a popular predictive text algorithm for mobile phones with only numeric pads.
Alt plus a number typed on the numeric pad produces special characters, see Windows Alt keycodes.
Keyboard: Keytronic full stroke 93-key with numeric key pad & 17 function keys.