Hospital officials said only a small number of people walked in complaining of breathing troubles.
According to her account, the official said, at some point "a number of football players walk in."
Large numbers of participants walk the route behind the runners.
You knew that six years ago the kingpin's number one walked with half his plunder.
But once January arrives and these financial handcuffs are off, there remains the possibility that large numbers of employees will walk.
Those men with mounts followed him, while the larger number on foot walked behind.
On 20 May 2005, a number of pupils walked out of lessons to protest about form changes.
A number of other voters who were asked the same thing merely shrugged and walked away.
A number of men and women on foot walked beside the rich folk being carried.
The police arrested more than 250 of the young hoodlums, but many times that number walked away scot-free.