Those numbers alone state the case unequivocally, but there are other small but telling details.
A number of Western nuclear experts stated there was very little new in the report, and that media reports had exaggerated its significance.
Official numbers state that the police killed almost twenty people in the region.
During the school year that follows, 60,000 children-double the number stated in the contract-go through the program.
A number of reports stated that Kapoor would not be a part of the sequel.
Importantly, a number of the women stated that they had been diagnosed with urinary incontinence.
A number of sources state that this album was the last to be commercially released as an 8 track tape by a major label.
A number of celebrities had even stated that they were afraid of appearing on the show.
A number of reports state the 80-85% of women are wearing the wrong bra size.
Finally, as a number of speakers have stated, we have to help remove the causes.