These numbers specify the number of microprocessors in the system.
Of 37 states with capital punishment, he said, a growing number, believed to be about 25, specify lethal injection as the means of execution.
A large number of agents specify "no fantasy/science fiction", or only want "literary fiction".
Instead of the first number indicating a decade, this number now specified a recruiting district code.
The Watch Tower Society states that the number of names in its records is "considerably lower", but does not specify an actual number.
Using this method, only the number of notes within a beat can specified.
The final two numbers specify the plane of the grain boundary (or a unit vector that is normal to this plane).
The numbers specified above apply to the class when first issued to traffic.
The number of columns in a reservation table specifies the evaluation time of a given function.
The number after the slash specifies the number of bits in the netmask /24 translates to for example.