In the last decade alone, his numbers had slipped drastically.
Her little beige number had slipped north of the knees.
In the same period the number of children living with both their natural parents slipped from 39.5 million to 37.2 million.
Although the number of moviegoers is slipping, the industry has been able to find its way into the digital world.
On Facebook, these numbers slip further still - 16% have a degree and 22% earn £50,000 or more.
Since then the number of awards has slipped to 2.1 percent.
Small numbers of refugees occasionally slip into the camp to this day.
Last year, apparently because of the sales pickup, the total number slipped backed to 75,500.
He said he believes that number has slipped to between 25 and 28 percent.
Your numbers have been slipping the last couple of years, Robert.