By January 1st 1799, the number of inmates was 119.
Last year, the average number of inmates in the unit was 12.
The total number of inmates is now about 1,800 above what it was last July.
In 1938 the number of inmates per cell was increased to up to 70.
That is the average annual increase in the number of inmates from 1989 to 1994.
Officials said the number of inmates could exceed 9,000 by the 1990's.
Two days later the number of inmates in the state rose again, to about 7,500, and the 30-day clock once more began running.
He said the precise number of inmates involved is under investigation.
There are four more prisons with a like number of inmates within 20 miles.
Some social scientists and prison experts said today that the increase in the number of inmates could be much higher.