L10 in gold and a number of L5 notes the stout man pocketed.
A number of researchers and theorists have noted as much.
She scanned the drive, noted the number of pickups.
I did want to mention it because a number of our listeners had noted it and wanted to know what this meant for them.
He produced a large number of dramatic works, noted for their social criticism and idiomatic style.
"Nonetheless, a number of members noted that inflation was not expected to moderate further" in the months ahead, the minutes said.
And a number of economists noted several reasons for the expected slow growth in coming quarters.
As a number of Democrats noted today, there is little evidence that financial contributions are the equivalent of popular support.
In Phoenix, a small number of local news outlets noted the event, but it received little attention beyond that.
A number of other blogs noted the controversy over the Platypus publication.