Despite their clashes, a number of Mr. Clinton's policies march on under President Bush.
Now the numbers marched past the pointer with slowing deliberation.
Once initiated, a number of the younger ones march naked in front of the troops to "protect them by drawing fire" away from the adult fighters.
Chavez slid the cover off the green face of his digital watch, watching the numbers march slowly toward the appointed moment.
On Tuesday evening, the 18th, it was observed that a number of soldiers were marching towards the bottom of the Common.
A total number of 2,583 athletes from 22 nations marched in review and formed ranks upon the infield.
Although they would eventually boycott the Games in the days to follow, a number of African delegations did march in the parade.
A large number of people, accompanied by bands, marched or were driven to the park.
In addition, large numbers of cops march, and you have to keep an eye on police jumping into the parade while they're on the clock.
The numbers formed up and marched past his brain in terrified obedience.