Every day, large numbers of Sikh devotees flocked to see the Guru.
On our way there, we had to pass a noisy drinking- house, where a number of men were flocking about the door.
An increasing number of people flocked to visit Opo, with 1500 visitors sometimes crowding the beach.
As the port developed, much larger numbers of Chinese coolies flocked to Singapore looking for work.
A number of people flocked round him adding to the already large number of his disciples.
In the 1880s a number of artists flocked to the town and formed an artists' colony.
They moved on, and soon came to a shack where a number of ducks flocked.
And record numbers of tourists were flocking to the land of the Incas.
A great number of adventurers flocked into the country, some desirable and some very much the reverse.
At the outbreak of the War, a large number of volunteers flocked to the colours.