A number may also denote how many times the character before or after it is repeated.
For a simple description, we include the numbers -3 and 3 to denote the ball being beyond the second field.
Number 0 denotes the nut - that is, an open string.
The number of 'v's one above the other denotes how many times the 'cleansing' has to be done.
The number denotes the length of the airship, in feet.
The magic number denotes the point at which the revenue from oil is no longer sufficient to pay for spending.
A number after the letter B denotes a particular pattern or variation in design for the machine.
The number next to the country in the list below denotes the country's national trunk prefix.
The number on each line denotes the generation number, starting at 1 for Adam.
The number that precedes the song title denotes from which year the sample is taken.