This town becomes very lively in the evenings because a large number of hawkers and vendors crowd here.
A number of emergency vehicles crowded the throat taxi- ramp that led to the alert parking shelters.
The big question now is whether the trend will continue as record numbers of passengers crowd onto planes.
For each new state added, two new senators and a varying number of representatives crowded into the Capitol building.
Their numbers and variety werebewildering, and the sailors crowded the ship's rail to stare andmarvel at them.
What a number of things crowded themselves into a few brief years!
Once a large number had crowded into its mouth and belly, it would close its mouth and devour them all at once.
Bolan had the impression of heavyset men he couldn't tell their numbers crowded into the truck.
Now a truly unreasonable number of stars were crowding the dark sky.
A number of passers-by paid their florin and crowded through the entrance.