The first thing I did was unwind the wire and massage some life back into my numb toe.
It's so damp and chilly that even with four layers of clothing, my skin feels clammy, my toes practically numb.
She stared at the glare of streetlight on the dirty window, and wriggled her numb toes in her boots.
Purdy, his toes still numb, suggested a phone call to ascertain that Rachel was indeed staying at her friend's lodge.
His breath was steaming in clouds, and he stamped his feet in a crooked little tap-dance step to keep his doubtless numb toes warm.
With stiff legs and numb toes we walked slowly out of the field.
Extra layers of long underwear and socks, chattering teeth, and numb toes would only make it a truer homage to Lowcountry oyster roasts.
While the experience was good, I do remember numb toes and fingers, it was so cold.
I trekked on down the road faster, battering my numb toes against pebbles, suddenly feeling the cold.
My numb toes curled in the dirt, wanting to run.