A kind of dreary curiosity winkled through Mark's numb shock.
Pattie, along with everyone in attendance, sat in numb shock.
The great man was alone, pacing the room, his face, like the admiral's, displayed only numb shock and sadness.
This year, they are coming just as the numb shock of the trauma is beginning to give way, for some people, to agony.
The crew stood before the general in utter numb shock.
Then numb shock had made him waste his first hours, just sitting and staring.
His face, like Morgan's, displayed only numb shock and sadness.
The police and a medical investigator had questions for everyone, and John sat in numb shock, listening to all the answers.
At first she felt no pain, only the numb shock that the battle was so quickly over.
At the science console, their science officer stared in numb shock.