In contrast to so many nude dances these days, there is no effort to avoid erotic implications.
Where nude private dances are allowed with contact, some dancers choose to place some type of barrier (cloth or occasionally plastic) over the customer's lap as a precautionary measure.
Last August, a bunch of faggots staged a dance out by the club - a nude dance.
Nicholson also enjoyed Stan's nude dance in San Diego, not knowing it was a reference to the Jason Russell scandal.
Wiggles, at 96-24 Queens Boulevard, was ordered closed last November after a woman performed a nude dance for an undercover police officer in the "nonadult" portion of the club.
She is primarily associated with nude and grotesque dances.
He said the city would continue to fight the community's remaining nude dance club.
The performer, either entirely nude or apparently so, dances while moving two large fans, typically constructed from ostrich feathers.
That scene and a bouncing nude dance for the men work because of the simplicity and directness of the performing.