The three-letter abbreviations for the 659 amino acids encoded in the open reading frame beginning at nucleotide position 133 are also shown.
These occur at specific individual nucleotide (building block of dna-strand) positions within a gene.
The term can refer to a gene in general or particular nucleotide position in the DNA chain (locus).
They are single nucleotide positions, at which at least 1 percent of the population has a nucleotide different from that of the standard sequence.
The editing site is located at nucleotide position 2914.
Numbers to the right of each row refer to the nucleotide position, numbers to the left refer to amino acids.
The editing site is found at nucleotide position 839 found in exon 6 of the gene.
Numbers on the top scale indicate nucleotide positions corresponding to the gene 62 promoter.
A putative VPg is present between nucleotide positions 2093 and 2118 immediately 5' of the 3C protease.
These occur at specific individual nucleotide positions within a gene.