Provided the ratio of AT to GC pairs is 1:1, the mean relative weight of one nucleotide pair is 615.8771.
A typical loop might contain between 50,000 and 200,000 nucleotide pairs of DNA, although loops of a million nucleotide pairs have also been suggested.
Human mtDNA consists of 16,569 nucleotide pairs.
This chromosome is a circular DNA molecule which contains 5,342,073 nucleotide pairs and 5,043 genes, of which 4,988 encode proteins.
The genome of E. coli is contained in a single circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 10 nucleotide pairs.
Deletions, insertions and mutations of stop codons affect the coding part and its length varies between 2,055 and 2,190 nucleotide pairs.
In oxen, the coding sequence consists of 17 exons and has a length of about 34,500 nucleotide pairs.
What if you had an additional nucleotide pair?
TALEs on the other hand are found in repeats with a one-to-one recognition ratio between the amino acids and the recognized nucleotide pairs.
The smallest units of mutation and recombination are now known to be correlated with single nucleotide pairs.