Other officer qualifications included candidates for engineer officer of a nuclear-powered ship.
Eight months later, the Nautilus became the first nuclear-powered ship in the Navy.
A slide showed the proposed nuclear-powered ship, with scale information indicating the spacecraft would be longer than a football field.
At that time, there was some anticipation that nuclear-powered ships might reduce the need for alongside refueling.
The Navy decided to proceed with the design of a nuclear-powered ship.
The squat factory is a family business that shapes precision parts for nuclear-powered ships and medical instruments.
When the Taymyr class icebreakers were designed, considerable effort was put into improving the safety of these nuclear-powered ships.
Streamlined diesel-electric submarines are included for comparison with the nuclear-powered ships.
This would be the first time a nuclear-powered ship would be permanently based in Japan.
It has pioneered an environmentally safe method of deactivating and recycling nuclear-powered ships.