They proposed an "international clearing house" for information on illegal nuclear smuggling.
Brazil is joining the international effort to prevent nuclear smuggling through ports.
To some, Khinsagov's arrest was a success story, a sign that recent efforts to crack down on nuclear smuggling are producing results.
Unless salaries are raised, some researchers may find nuclear smuggling too great a temptation to resist.
So far, police say, they have not found an organized mafia running nuclear smuggling.
Firstly, the report does not distinguish clearly between questions of nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear smuggling.
Furthermore, we call for closer cooperation with Russia on the prevention of nuclear smuggling.
All sorts of scoundrels have tried nuclear smuggling in recent years.
Energy Department employees are installing detection devices at Russia's airports to prevent nuclear smuggling.
He also urged more money to combat nuclear smuggling and to buy highly enriched uranium from Russia.