In his work as a graduate student, he studied nuclear isotopes and helped to describe several discoveries, including protactinium-232, uranium-232, protactinium-233, and uranium-233.
It can involve neutrons, protons, deuterons, alpha particles, and virtually all nuclear isotopes which can be handled in a laboratory.
It's the same thing in this case, especially since several of StarLab's experimental and equipment packages contain nuclear isotopes.
The isotopic shift (also called isotope shift) is the shift in various forms of spectroscopy that occurs when one nuclear isotope is replaced by another.
The Centro Atómico Ezeiza produces nuclear isotopes for medicine in its RA-3 research/production reactor, and houses other research facilities.
The potential to trigger an abrupt release of energy from nuclear isotopes, a prerequisite to their use in such weapons, is disputed.
If you "purify" the water, by whatever method, a factor is the fractionation of various nuclear isotopes of water, the largest being HDO and D2O.
Each nuclear isotope has a unique Larmor frequency for NMR spectroscopy, which is tabulated here.
His precise measurements of mass differences between nuclear isotopes allowed him to confirm Albert Einstein's mass-energy equivalence concept.
The isotope effect showed that materials with heavier ions (different nuclear isotopes) had lower superconducting transition temperatures.