He declared the nuclear file "closed" and said further sanctions would have no effect on Iran's ability to pursue its nuclear aspirations.
China may be applying quiet pressure on North Korea to return to the nuclear pact and give up its nuclear aspirations, which have alarmed the entire region.
But the officials concede privately that they are willing to go new lengths to reassure North Korea if it would blunt its nuclear aspirations.
More nations have nuclear weapons, and still more have nuclear aspirations.
Republicans have voiced sharp criticism of the Administration's agreement last month to help provide energy assistance to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear aspirations.
Tough diplomacy must continue to curb Iran's nuclear aspirations, but there must be no illusions about the ideologue presiding in Iran.
Next in turn come North Korea and Iran, for their nuclear aspirations, support of terrorism and hostility to the West.
The nuclear aspirations of certain countries, notably North Korea and Iran, have also given rise to concern as was mentioned earlier.
This regrettable vote may even offer encouragement to other countries in their nuclear aspirations and make them cross the threshold by testing their own nuclear devices.