The Simpsons are far more nuanced characters than those played by actual humans on most sitcoms.
Mr. Tagawa says that Eddie is a far more nuanced character than he has played before.
Ms. Buono's Nina is far and away the film's most convincing and nuanced character.
For all his nuanced character work Mr. Wadsworth relies on some clichéd gestures.
What it lacks is complexity or nuanced characters.
Mr. Mohr said he relished the challenge of playing such nuanced characters, and hoped to try his hand in more serious roles.
Ms. Gionfriddo's has set out to diagnose social ills, and nuanced characters are not required.
Dukat played a versatile role throughout the series and was often a nuanced character.
But he was impatient of directors who wanted him to develop nuanced characters or polish up his plots and would simply walk away.
In one show he even saves a baby from drowning, which bashes viewers over the head instead of establishing a nuanced character.