Learn about the plants in your state, endangered plants, noxious plants, or wetland plants.
"The question is whether this is considered a noxious plant," he said.
Stinkweed is an informal name for any noxious plant.
By the time he and his men reached another village many of them were sick from hunger and eating "noxious plants," and near death.
S. minima is listed as a noxious plant in Texas, where it is prohibited from being owned and transported.
The parameter of concern was given as "noxious aquatic plants."
Chaffins Brook is considered a "moderately septic polluted stream", and its lower reach has noxious aquatic plants in an impoundment.
The water quality is impaired due to noxious aquatic plants.
One species, T. minuta, is considered a noxious invasive plant in some areas.
The noxious plants grew from stone planters sitting on the rampart; there was no secret entrance through their dirt.