Mineral powders spill across stained wooden shelves and earthenware jars stink with noxious liquids.
Oziri rose with his bota of noxious liquid.
A goblet had been placed on the desk, filled with dark, noxious liquid.
Also, when in distress, the tortoises urinate - sometimes a noxious, crimson liquid that can tip off a wildlife inspector.
They all turned out except Bell- crank, who was busy with his pots of powders and vials of noxious liquids.
Pyanfar took another drink, emptied the noxious liquid into her mouth and swallowed hard.
When threatened, they sometimes curl up or release a noxious liquid that contains large amounts of benzoquinones which can cause dermatological burns.
He awakens the giant creature, which then proceeds to destroy his excavation, covering the spectators with a noxious liquid in the process.
"They were storing noxious liquids and running blow torches outside the school windows," Mr. Duane said.
The noxious liquid burned its way down his esophagus like sulphuric acid spiked with white phosphorus.