After the feast, Alf retired and left the village; and Smith returned to his forge to teach his craft to his now-grown son.
Mary and her husband, Michael, homeschooled their now-grown son, Lennon, for his entire life.
Jane, by her own admission, was a neglectful mother to her now-grown son, Sam (Christian Bale), whose childhood wounds still smart, and beneath her bravado is an undercurrent of guilt.
The new series premiered on June 13, 2012, centering primarily around John Ross and Christopher Ewing, the now-grown sons of J.R. and Bobby.
All this work demanded so much from him that his now-grown son had completely taken over the pharmacy since Mohr's health had been overstrained by his exploration work.
Still, theater and film were always her goals; both of her brothers became actors, as did her now-grown son.
Dawn was turning the cloud-bank piled up on the eastern horizon a fiery red when Aldorigen and his now-grown son Korodullin entered the throne-room in the midst of an argument.
Flag was replaced in the Squad by his now-grown son, Richard Rogers Flag.
Ruth lives in the countryside with her now-grown son, who lobbies Robbins to find him a job working in the tunnel.
Ms. Huffman plays Bree, a man living as a woman who, days before gender reassignment surgery, heads from California to New York to find the now-grown son she fathered.