The drummers make novice mistakes, until the final song is thumped out with padded sticks on round tympani drums, everyone in rhythm.
Many, many times I hit the "all back" rather than "reply" button - and remember that this was over the course of two months, so it wasn't a novice mistake.
Mr. Chandler characterized this as the novice mistake of well-intentioned executives who "have no newspaper experience at any level."
Bill Clinton's early moves on the budget have been a three-ring circus of novice mistakes.
In Tahoe, I made two novice mistakes.
It was a novice mistake to let his emotions interfere in his work.
And on his second run, he made a novice mistake.
It is a novice mistake to carry out the capture of dead stones before it is of tactical importance to do so.
My next step up would have been to a racing shell one foot wide that flips rather than forgives novice mistakes.
No one held so long against Dom; Dom would never make such a novice mistake as the one that had just cost him his offhand blade.