His diaries chronicle each phase of irritation with novelistic detail.
In novelistic detail, Glover describes the wrenching realities behind the just wars and the utopian social projects.
Some of the things I learned were small, novelistic details.
In addition, his book incorporates passages of overt fiction, in which Mowat describes the lifestyles of the Albans in novelistic detail.
It may be a novelistic detail, but its denial was enraging.
From an early stage in the book, Jane Brown adopts the technique of adding small novelistic details to conjure up a scene.
Still, Stanton has an eye for the novelistic detail that captures the drama of Aaron's drive to the record.
In an earlier dispatch, Chatterbox said it was "possible the heavy-smoker bit was a phony novelistic detail that Woodward got wrong or invented."
He portrays in novelistic detail the assassination of Lincoln and the scenes of his cabinet's striving to hold together the government in the hours that followed it.
Mr. Bensaïdi builds up novelistic detail, catching the small changes and the impinging of the Western world on this village at a crucial time for it.