A novelist can use a word like "love," but that word doesn't convey much in itself because each reader will experience love in a different way.
A novelist would use flashbacks and flash-forwards.
Dimly some recalled that literary novelists did not use sentences just to get from A to B.
A novelist such as Andrea Levy uses complicated patterns of flashback and multiple viewpoints that derive from the screen rather than the page.
All novelists use details to bring us into rooms we've never seen; many, like Orwell, use physical objects to stand for much more than their face value.
They were among his last works, and the first series in which the novelist used the third-person narrative.
However, one could make the argument that the novelist was using Clara's character as a means of denouncing English and French colonialism.
Other novelists have used jealousy to explore the relationship between writer and reader, as well as that between fiction and reality.
In this excerpt from the article, the novelist uses one of his famous boxing metaphors to describe why he is drawn to spare, stripped prose: