Furthermore, the formation of these additional connections in response to novel environmental stimuli occurs throughout life, not just during a critical or sensitive period.
This occurs as a result of the young child or animal experiencing a novel stimuli and rapidly learning the behavior in response.
Each repeated exposure to the novel stimulus causes less fear and more of an approach tactic by the observing organism.
After repeated exposure, the observing organism will begin to react fondly to the once novel stimulus.
Particularly, those circuits which are activated under conditions of novel stimuli and close attention are strengthened most quickly.
Exciting or novel stimuli demand more attention than stimuli perceived as boring.
Curiosity can be defined as the urge to seek out novel stimuli.
Curiosity for novel stimuli might also be used as a potential predictor for the disease.
She wrote her doctoral dissertation on the responses of animals to novel stimuli in differing environments.
Our perceptual apparatus, ever alert for novel stimuli, responds to the rough edges.