(Despite the rapid growth, graphic novels still represent less than 1 percent of the total consumer book market.)
The novel also represents a turning point in Caedus' evolution into a Sith.
The historical novels, Miss Lewis said later, represented the "heavy thinking" of a literary career that did not include her poetry.
The author has said the novel also represents a spiritual and philosophical treatise.
Their novels "represent the best fiction of the past 25 years."
Her wise and powerful new novel, "Latecomers," represents a distinct breakthrough.
Commercial novels like these represent the product of a parallel evolutionary strain with only a species resemblance to literary fiction.
The novel is a successor to the utopias of the 18th century and represents the more advanced philosophical ideas of the 1820s.
His new novel, "S.," he added, represents another effort in that direction.
His novels represent one of the most authentic values of the Czech interwar prose.