Neither raising graduation rates nor lowering class size is a novel proposal, and the other Democrats have not gone out on a limb, either.
Together with others he formulated a novel proposal that became known as the "6 months--6 months proposal."
The Clinton Administration is expected to approve Oregon's novel proposal to ration health care for poor people in the state, Federal officials said today.
The combination of high particle energy/exhaust velocity and relatively high thrust in this form is a novel proposal.
Because of intense competition for limited money, it said, "many investigators are reluctant to submit novel or innovative proposals."
Another answer could lie in a novel proposal, offered by the Americans, under which rich countries would subsidize cleaner technologies in poorer countries.
It was also, he acknowledged, a novel proposal: creating condominium interests in a body of water on leased public property.
Conversely, fringe science can include novel proposals and interpretations that initially have only a few supporters and much opposition.
He would use federal money to help increase teacher salaries, a novel proposal in a presidential campaign, and to provide incentives to failing schools to reverse course.
No really novel proposal has been made since then to improve it substantially.