At some point four novel tactile objects were placed in the four corners of the rat's cage.
It prevents familiar categories from congealing too soon in the face of such novel objects.
Activation of the middle fusiform 'face area' increases with expertise recognizing novel objects.
Expertise training with novel objects leads to left lateralized face-like electrophysiological responses.
It may also influence one's interactions with novel objects of an apparently similar size and density.
The subjects are asked to sketch some novel objects or design by adding as many lines as they can to the six figures.
His sculptures are novel objects around and through which you may choose to move, your choice, like your movement, being inherent in the art.
The more objects an economy has, the more novel objects can be constructed.
One test required remembering the location of a submerged platform hidden in milky water, another the ability to recognize novel objects.
A natural conflict situation occurs when an animal is exposed to an unfamiliar environment or novel objects.