Fitzpatrick stated that the graphic novel would consist of three volumes and that Jennyson Rosero would be drawing the series.
His novels consist mostly of paperback originals, principally spy fiction but also crime fiction and Westerns such as The Big Country.
His novels mainly consisted of either social themes or epic themes.
This novel is of nearly three thousand pages in five volumes consisting of ten books.
The second novel by the author of "Eden Close" consists of a journalist's notes, which, from several points of view, recall a battered wife's murder of her husband.
The light novels consists of side stories that differ from the manga's plot, and introduces new novel-exclusive characters.
His published novels consist of Twistor (1989) and Einstein's Bridge (1997); both within the hard science fiction genre.
Both novels consist of short present-tense scenes interspersed with italicized flashbacks.
His eight short novels, partly inspired by the London aesthetes of the 1890s, especially Oscar Wilde, consist largely of dialogue, with references to religion, social-climbing, and sexuality.
The novel has just over 100 pages and consists of two parts.