Suddenly, the novel challenge for city planners is building new roads and widening old ones to accommodate the choking traffic.
This week, someone painted a novel challenge to General Noriega.
The very idea of doing something architecturally new in China is itself so new that ambitious architects must surmount novel challenges.
Symbiotic interactions, whether pathogenic or mutualistic, present novel challenges to both plant hosts and the biologists who study them.
- the next president could face novel economic challenges that defy conventional solutions.
But the requirements of the ballet posed a novel challenge, according to Walker's president, John Carpenter.
Preconceptions and ideology held by both sides of the spectrum, argues the book, prevented novel challenges to changing fiscal realities.
The novel challenges this 'amalgamation' by turning 'male'discursive strategies against themselves.
The impeachment process under way poses novel and unusually difficult challenges to lawyers, to men in government, indeed to all of us.
This is not a novel challenge.